Rabu, 05 Juni 2013

June oh June

Bonjour ! Lama gak posting sesuatu di blog ini gak terasa udah masuk bulan Juni. Omg, udah mau KKN aja and then skripsi menanti go. . .go fighting :D btw aku dapat tag ni dari Yohanna dan Icha :D thank u. Mumpung ada waktu kosong disela-sela UTS yang mengerikan, kerjain ini dulu deh :D

*Post this rule.
*Write 11 things about yourself.
*Answer the question the tagger set to you.
*Create 11 new questions for those you want to tag.
*Choose 11 bloggers to be tagged and link them to the post.
*You are not allowed to tag back.

 11 Things About Me

* Moody
* Love my family
* Belong to Jesus Christ
* Nerdy
* KTM'ers
* Baik hati, gak sombong, gak makan batu
* Love Josh Hutcerson so much berharap gue jani bininya
* Makan, tidur, jalan-jalan itulah hidup
* Already face the thesis :D
* Gak suka orang sok dan sotoy
* I love beach

Tagger's Questions :
From Yohanna :

* What's you religion ?
   - I'm Catholic and I'm proud of it
* What musical instruments can you play ?
   - Nothing -_________-
* Android or Blackberry ?
   - Android aja deh
* Bali or Bandung ?
   - Bali
* Do you agree if Fatin Shidqia and Mikha Angelo in realtionship ? Why ?
   - waduhh, gimana ya jawabnya o_O berhubung aku bukan penikmat X-Factor jadi ya terserah mereka
      aja deh mau pacaran apa enggak, yang penting aku ditraktir
* Do you like the food of Indonesia ? If you like, what food ?
   - Suka ama semua makanan Indonesia, dari sabang sampai merauke apalagi kalo gratisan
* Cheese or chocolate ?
   - Chocolate
* Are you like bule ?
   - emmmmm (actually I don't understand about this question)
* What do you think about Cakka Nuraga ?
   - Young, energetic, handsome
* Line, WeChat or instagram ?
   - Line
* Who is your favorite artist in Indonesia ?
   - Steven William :D

From Icha :
1. Do you often say "i love you" to your parents?
    Hmm gak terlalu sering sih, , tapi saya selalu mendoakan yang terbaik untuk orang tua saya :)
2. What's the last thing you eat today?
     Fried egg
3. Do you have soundcloud? what's yours?
    No, I don't have it
4. Can you play guitar?
    No, I can't
5. What do you wanna be in the future?
     Pokokx dapat kerja bagus , ngebahagiain ortu. AMIN
6. Are you secret admirer?
    No, I'm not :D
7. Do you always trust your close friends?
    Not really
8. If you found money$ in the street, what would you do?
    I would bought galaxy tab, canon eos, dan di tabung aja deh sisanya wkwkwk
9. Whats country do you wanna go the most?
10. Do you hate someone who says good in front of you, but says bad in your back? If he/she is your friend.
      Yes I Do, everyone hates that
11. Whats your favorite food?
      Sate ayam, pa'piong, :D

My Questions :
1. Duta Lingkungan or Duta Pariwisata ? Kenapa ?
2. Desa nan asri atau kota dengan segala modernisasinya ?
3. Justin Bieber or Greyson Chance ?
4. Menurut kamu pacar yang baik itu seperti apa ?
5. Are you "The Hunger Games" lovers ?
6. Film-film Indo or West ?
7. Milih pacaran ama Superman or Spiderman ?
8. Pernah marah sama ortu ?
9. Kamu galau kalau ?
10. Hal apa yang paling kamu benci ?
11. Menurut kamu kenapa superman bajunya harus merah, biru ? Kenapa gak pink aja gitu -____-

Oke, pertanyaan no 11 ngawur banget, tapi dijawab aja yaa :D see you

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